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Sharing Artists Sharing 2010 Trailer

Introducing Sharing Artists Sharing - The Film

Produced by Keith Moreau and Sam Ellis Moreau, 'Sharing Artists Sharing' kicked off the 2010 City of Brisbane, California 'Art Sharing Evening' and served as an introduction to the talented artists who participated in the show.

'Sharing Artists Sharing' shows a brief glimpse into what motivates the artists, how they realize their art, and what keeps them going.

Over 30 Brisbane-based artists were interviewed and featured in this trailer and introduction, including filmmaker David Brown, participatory artist Beth Grossman, singer Amy Dondy, and photographer Mary Parisi, and is the basis for a full-length documentary currently in production.

Watch the 2010 Trailer

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Reader Comments (1)

I watch the films again...and I am still in awe of the artists, their vision, and the art that is the film. The essence of their work shows in the heart that they put on the line with every effort. Thank you Keith for sharing your art with us all.
Terry O'Connell

February 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTerry O'Connell

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